We envision transforming the life of each Latina mother, strengthening her esteem, connecting her with her true potential so that she can prove that she is capable of achieving more than they ever thought.


Create activities that promote and develop the spiritual, emotional and physical growth of mothers.
Our ValuesCreate activities that promote and develop the spiritual, emotional and physical growth of mothers.


Motherhood, healthy emotions, diversity, inclusion, unity, empaty, harmonious relationships.


Soy Marisol Camilo, mentora de madres que buscan conectar con su grandeza, para comenzar a vivir desde ahí.

Durante 12 años he trabajado con las madres; pues las madres son son el corazón del hogar, y cuando una madre avanza, su familia también.

Busco inspirarte a que priorices lo que sí quires y mereces vivir, que pongas en pasarela lo más importante de tu vida; que eres tú.


Since 2010 we have had amazing results with mothers; they manage to become the stars for one night of our original fashion show, where they receive the admiration and applause of their family, friends, and the community.

Runway for Mom Experience: is a platform created so that mothers can live out transformative experiences that will add value, elevate their esteem, strengthen their abilities, and accomplish more than they ever dreamt. Our program includes: Runway Pasarella, Runway Conference, My Runway Life, and Runway Breakfast.

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